Fabricación de otros productos alimenticios
Productos y servicios
La compraventa, importación y exportación de toda clase de productos alimenticios, así como cualquier actividad de mediación relativa a dichos productos. Las actividades integrantes del objeto social, tal y como se definen en el párrafo anterior, podrán ser desarrolladas por la Sociedad mediante la.
Elaboración de café, té e infusiones
Actividades de las sociedades holding
Elaboración de café, té e infusiones
Actividades de las sociedades holding
Processing of tea and coffee
Activities of holding companies
The company is a holding firm engaged in the provision of management holding services and related corporate and administrative support to subsidiaries and local business units. The company was incorporated in the year 2009 and it conducts business from its registered head office which is located in Logrono, Spain. As a holding firm, the company primarily provides financial support and control function for the board, and is responsible for managing the group and its overall legal structure, tax planning, financial and equity structures. It also handles the administrative affairs and services of a holding company and grants management services to its subsidiaries. In addition, it is involved in matters of policy, strategic planning, marketing, selecting and manning senior management positions, approving investments and budgets, and the overall ongoing monitoring of the group companies' performance.