Promoción inmobiliaria
Productos y servicios
1. La compra, venta, arrendamiento no financiero y administración de terrenos, solares y toda clase de fincas de cualquier naturaleza, edificios, lonjas y naves comerciales e industriales, pisos, locales, apartamentos e inmuebles en general. 2. Asimismo, la urbanazación, parcelación y reparcelación
Promoción inmobiliaria
Compraventa de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Promoción inmobiliaria
Compraventa de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Development of building projects
Buying and selling of own real estate
The company is primarily engaged in the buying and selling of own real estate. The company was incorporated in 2011, and has its registered head office in Logrono, Spain. The company acts as agents or brokers in selling, buying and renting of real estate for others. The company ensures that various activities associated with the overall operation of the property are performed, such as collecting rents, and overseeing other services, including maintenance, security and trash removal. Moreover, the company purchases a tract of land; determines the marketing of the property; develops the building program and design; obtains the necessary public approvals and financing; builds the structure; and leases, manages and sells the property.